Life Centered Financial Planning for Family Businesses
A Talk by Russ Haworth (The Family Business Partnership)
About this Talk
Family Businesses are the backbone of the global economy. They come with a degree of complexity that is often overlooked. In this session you will be guided through these complexities and shown how to create a financial planning service that is truly aligned to the needs of family owned businesses.
By attending this session you will:
~ Understand the opportunities that exist in working with family owned businesses. ~ Understand the complexities that exist within family owned businesses ~ Understand the important role that a financial planner can play in the success of the family business ~ Understand the important role that a financial planner can play in the succession planning - or rather continuity planning - process ~ How to deal with conflicting interests within the family business ~ Defining who your client is and working with multiple generations ~ Understanding how to help with generational wealth transfer
Russ is a Financial Planner who now specialises in supporting family owned businesses through The Family Business Consultancy, he is also the host of The Family Business Podcast. Russ believes that a massive opportunity exists to better align financial planning to the needs of family owned businesses and given that these make up broadly 90% of businesses world-wide, there is a huge opportunity for truly client centric planning firms to differentiate themselves to serve this market.