The What, The How and the Why of Financial Wellbeing
A Talk by Chris Budd (Initiative for Financial Wellbeing)
About this Talk
Financial wellbeing is a term that we see being used all the time. In the UK, the regulator, the FCA have recently used it, and the Money and Pension Service have made it the centre-point to their plans for the next decade.
Chris Budd literally wrote the book on financial wellbeing, the proceeds from which go to charity.
In this talk he explains what financial wellbeing is, and why it should be at the heart of every advisers proposition. He also provides an update on the new institute, the Initiative for Financial Wellbeing (IFW).
Chris will be covering: - What is the difference between happiness and wellbeing? - The coaching then planning then advice process - Is coaching a skill that most advisers already possess? - The Initiative for Financial Wellbeing