Neil Bage

Understanding the Human: The power of behavioural insight

A Talk by Neil Bage (Be-IQ)

About this Talk

The human story is nothing short of amazing. Over the last 3.5 million years, we’ve evolved into an intelligent and adaptable species. But some of our evolutionary traits still dominate our thinking; working their way into the very DNA of the decisions that we make.

In this talk, Neil Bage will explore what it means to be human, the role our evolution plays in the our decision making process, and provide practical steps for factoring behavioural insight into the core of the financial planning process.

In this session you will:

~ Learn about how evolutionary traits still plays their role today ~ How heuristics and biases feature in our thinking ~ Explore how to get to grips with this through behavioural insight ~ Reveal the unique opportunities that behavioural insight can deliver

The world of advice is evolving rapidly. The winners will be those who can relate emotionally to their clients. Behavioural insights, revealing who the true client is, empowers advisers to know their individual clients in a way that was never before possible whilst at the same time it allows them to deepen their understanding and empathy in an unprecedented manner.

Discover the power of segmenting your clients by their behaviour and how having access to behavioural insights can help you find the clients that matter, at the time it matters most, whist at the same time pin-pointing exactly where to focus behavioural advice.

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About The Speaker

Neil Bage

Neil Bage


Neil is a specialist on the sub-conscious behaviours that drive our decisions, and is renowned for bridging complex scientific theory with real-world understanding, especially in relation to decisions that involve money.