Mitch Anthony

Life Centered Planners Mitch is the co-host of this event and the co-founder of Life Centered Planners (with Paul Armson).

About this speaker

Mitch is a pioneering thought leader in the Life Centered Financial Planning movement.

Mitch’s first introduction to Life and Money came in his role as the founder of a Suicide Help line during the farm crisis of the Mid-1980’s in Iowa. Farmers were losing their multi-generation farms because of unwise financial decisions and now were contemplating the worst decision of all. This was his first window into the relationship between wise money management and a life well lived.

Mitch decided to focus on youth and for the next decade he spoke to 3-4 million students and teachers in hundreds of schools and began developing Life-Skills curriculums that were taught in high schools and middle schools around the globe.

In the late 1990’s Mitch was approached by companies in the Investment and Insurance world who were seeking to improve the communication and relationship skills of their representatives. It was this portal of opportunity that alerted him to the wide chasm between salesmanship and service in the financial industry. Shortly thereafter Mitch wrote three books that would become perennial best-sellers in financial services; STORYSELLING for Financial Advisors, The New RetireMentality and Your Clients Story.

Soon realizing the shortcomings of the financial planning movement, such as the monomaniacal focus on numbers, he introduced the idea of Financial Life Planning in his seminal book, Your Clients for Life. Mitch then founded the Financial Life Planning Institute and began to create discovery tools and resources for advisors and planners that wanted to get to the heart of the money with their clients.

More recently Mitch has been a co-founder of two organizations that will propel the Life-centered planning revolution forward around the world; and He is also preparing to launch the Life Centered Planning certificate program with Texas Tech University in January of 2019.

Mitch believes that the time has arrived for Life Centered Planning and that money-centered planning leaves too big a void in satisfaction and meaning for clients. He is convinced that the future of the financial advice profession will surely be led by Life Centered Planners.

Exclusive Offers

Register for this Event to unlock these exclusive offers.

Mitch & Steve Sanduski are offering a 10% discount on membership of ROL Advisor which provides FOUR client engagement tools to help take your Life Centered Financial Planning service to new heights. This is particularly ideal for advisers who are well on the journey and want to deliver even more value. Offer also includes complimentary membership of Life Centered Planners.

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